Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Help!! The back side of my wooden house faces west, and is being burrowed into by yellow jackets. What to do?

I have noticed a saw dust on the back deck and in the flower beds, and have stood to watch the yellow jackets creating a nest in the wood between the eaves and the house roof. How can I stop the invasion, with a product that will work effectively and keep them from returning?

Help!! The back side of my wooden house faces west, and is being burrowed into by yellow jackets. What to do?
These are not yellow jackets. They are a cousin to it but are not aggressive. They sound like carpenter bees who bore the roundest hole just big enough to get their bodies into.

The information given by the other answerer's is accurate and a good idea. When the bees are gone get some wood filler and "caulk" the holes or you will have an infestation of termites.
Reply:The best thing would be top call an exterminator. Insects like this can and do give multiple stings and can cause antiphalytic shock which can cause death. It sounds like you are dealing with more than one insect. and that is dangerous.
Reply:Use Sevin Dust. It will get caught in their wings and they will take it back to the nest. An easy way to get the sevin in the holes is to use a duster (found at garden stores) or use an empty ketchup bottle. "Poof" it in the burrow holes or in the eaves. Hopefully you will see them die back, and continue doing it every few days until they are all dead.

  • eye look
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