Monday, February 13, 2012

Can you identify this flowering tree/bush?

I live on the central coast of California. Several years ago a friend gave me a plant with small buttercup yellow flowers on it. It has grown to 8 feet high and as wide with hundreds of the 1-1/2 inch flowers. Can you identify it, please?

Can you identify this flowering tree/bush?
Could be a lot of things. What do the flowers and leaves look like? Or can you ask your friend, maybe?

Could be a forsythia, a kerria, a broom, a flanelbush, an oregongrape, a hypericum, or a rose. Or a lot of other things. Hopefully it's a flanelbush (fremontodendron).
Reply:If you can post a picture of the flower and leaves it will be really simple , but there are books and Internet sites that let you classify plants try looking there.

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