Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where can I find a home made deterrent or killer for white flies on my flowers?

I recently planted blooming flowers which has attracted white flies by the gazillions. They are also on my catnip so bad that when I water they are flying all over and in my face - hard to breathe. I can't use a poison on the catnip as my cats eat the catnip. No one, to my knowledge, eats the flowers but the white flies cause a lot of damage as they suck the life out of the flowering plants. I have yellow sticky traps up but they get filled up daily. I understand there may be a mixture of liquid dish soap to water (how much to how much) that might work if sprayed on the plants. Please Help!

Where can I find a home made deterrent or killer for white flies on my flowers?
Lemon Joy works the best. Put a little in sprayer mixed with water...the soapy solution sticks to them and it seems the little bit of citrus oil in the soap kills the flies. It also works great to bath your kills fleas waiting for 10 to 15 minutes like most flea soaps. Just don't bathe them too may dry out their skin.
Reply:I helps to spray with mild solution of non scented dish washing liquid soap, it is safe for plants, pets, and people. Good luck!
Reply:I was going to suggest the yellow sticky pad, but you've done that. You could do insecticidal soap. Safer is the brand. Or, horticultural oil. It's basically a mineral oil or something, but it's safe. If you do the soap and water, it's only about a drop or two at the most to a sprayer full of water. Not much, really. A little goes a long way.
Reply:crush up some pyrethrum daisy.distill in water and spray.pyrethrum is a natural should be able to buy the daisy at your local nursery in the herb section

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